The U-Geohaz Training will be held the 3th and 4th of June in Athens. The training event is aimed at delivering the U-Geohaz tools and methods and transferring the basic knowledge to the Geological Susvays (GSs) in order to make them able to develop the U-Geohaz products and to provide them to the Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs). The training will be addressed to the 13 national and regional Geological Survays of 12 EU countries, which are included in the consortium.
During the same week (3-7 of June), will also take place the U-Geohaz & EOEG workshop and the EOEG (Earth Observation and Geohazards Expert Group) annual meeting. During the workshop, the results of the project will be disseminated to potential users, out of the consortium, like institutions and actors involved in geohazard prevention actions. The week has been organized by joining the EOEG annual meeting and U-Geohaz training and workshop, in order to address a wider audience and potential users, for a stronger dissemination.
See you in Athens!!!