
The U-Geohaz project was presented by Anna Barra (CTTC) at the EGU General Assembly 2019 conference. The EGU General Assembly took place on April 07-12, 2019, in Vienna (Austria).

The whole project has been presented on Wednesday, 10 April, at the PICO session Remote sensing for geohazards investigations.  A PICO – Presenting Interactive COntent® consists in a first part with short oral presentations, where all authors present the essence of their work in 2 minutes each, followed by an interactive presentation that the audience can explore on touch screens and where authors are available to answer questions and discuss their research in more detail. Further-more, the presentations remain available after the end of a PICO session and can be viewed on the touch screens throughout the day of the session.

Click here to see the abstract.

The specific topic of the InSAR processing in the Valle d'Aosta test site has been presented on Tuesday, 09 April, at the oral session Application of remote sensing and Earth-observation data in natural hazard and risk studies

Click here to see the abstract.



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