The U-Geohaz proposal will have three types of beneficiaries:
• Direct beneficiaries: The Spanish (SP) and Canary Island (CI) CPAs and the Valle d’Aosta CPA will be the end users of the U-Geohaz project development. Firstly, SP and CI will benefit from the volcanic early warning through the implementation of the Volcano Monitoring System of CNIG-IGN. Secondly, CI will benefit from the knowledge acquired during the testing of the tailored tools able to support a rockfall early warning developed by CNR-IRPI and IGME. Finally, the Valle d’Aosta CPA will take profit of the near-real time mapping system for landslides implemented at the UniFi Earth Sciences department. Moreover, it is planned to implement some of the U-Geohaz tools and methods in selected GSs, in order to test, validate and demonstrate their potentialities to the corresponding national CPAs. To conclude, the other national Geological Surveys involved in the project will have access to all the tools and procedures developed in the project, the generated documentation and the meetings.
• Potential end-users: most of the products of U-Geohaz are based on Sentinel-1 data and open access tools. This means that the implementation and use can be addressed without additional funding. In this context, all the actors involved in the prevention activities at different levels (national/regional and users or providers) are potential end-users of the project. In this context, a key action of the project will be the dissemination that involve the following key activities: (i) the organization of short meetings at each GS involved in the project, in order to promote the use of the U-Geohaz and SAFETY products and involve the corresponding national CPAs; (ii) the organization of an international workshop to disseminate the results of the project; and (iii) the distribution of the U-Geohaz tools through the project web site.
• General public: all the developed tools will also be available to the general public. In this context, it is expected to disseminate the project results through international conferences, the participation to different workshops and meetings and the web site.