The project is organized in six Work Packages (WPs). In addition to the WPs devoted to coordination (WP1) and dissemination (WP6), it includes three WPs (WP2, WP3 and WP4) addressing the development of the U-Geohaz products for landslides, volcanic activity and rockfall, respectively. An additional WP (WP5) is devoted to study the scalability and repeatability for different scenarios through the study of different cases over Europe.
For each of the three WPs (WP2, WP3 and WP4), the methodology will be:
(1) gathering the end-user’s requirements and feedback along the implementation of the project. This task will be carried out by each WP leader, in close collaboration with the involved CPAs;
(2) developing a procedure and the tools to produce the U-Geohaz products;
(3) setting up a demonstration exercise over real test sites;
(4) validating the obtained results;
(5) implementing procedure and tools to be exploited by the CPAs.
It is worth emphasizing that even if the methodology for each WP will be the same, the tasks will address different geohazards, with different needs and characteristics. As a consequence, different approaches will be applied.
The WP5 will consist in a parallel task that is focused:
(i) to provide a better understanding of the relations between GSs and the corresponding CPAs in the different European countries;
(ii) to evaluate the impact of geohazards in Europe with a focus on recent damaging events affecting urban structures and infrastructures and;
(iii) to demonstrate the U-Geohaz products performance to the GSs and the CPAs from the participating countries. This demonstration will be done by in-situ training at the selected GSs, and providing support to use the U-Geohaz tools on the selected sites.